We organise regular rides from the Blackbrook Leisure Centre.
Every Saturday at 8:30am there is a group ride, usually around 50 miles at a moderate pace and often with a few hills. More often than not there is a cafe stop roughly half way. If there is sufficient demand then a second ride takes place at the same time, the development ride. This is at a slower pace, roughly 12 mph, and shorter, generally 30-40 miles but can be less than that if this suits the group on the day. The development ride is great if you are still building your fitness or not yet used to riding in a group of cyclists.
On Thursday mornings, 9:15am, there is a ride of a similar distance but at a more relaxed pace, nearer 14 mph. No if's or but's, there will always be a cafe stop on this ride!
For both rides you will need to bring appropriate gear, such as repair kit, pump, phone.
The rides are for club members only and the details of the route for each ride are often discussed on our members Facebook page beforehand. If you are not a member but would like to join us then you can do so as an invited guest - get in touch with a club member or our admin team via email.